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Project Date:
February 19, 2011
Mt Hayes LNG Peak Shaver
Fortis BC (formerly Terasen) - Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada
What does this facility do
The Mt Hayes Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) peak shaver is a liquefaction, storage, and vaporization facility located in the mountains near Ladysmith, BC. It liquefies and stores natural gas during the off season (summer months) and vaporizes during the on season (winter months). It also has the ability to load LNG tanker trucks.
My role in this project
My role in this project was programming, testing, and commisioning of the control system. The process control was handled by an Invensys (now Schneider Electric) Foxboro I/A system. The Safety Instrumented System (SIS) was a Triconex (now Schneider Electric) Tricon system.
The facility was commmissioned in 2011.
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